Free Member BenefitA "Holistic" Approach for Special Education Leaders
Third Wednesday of the Month from 12:00 PM-1:00 PM (CT)
Join us for a rejuvenating "Wellness Wednesday" lunch and learn session designed specifically for special education leaders. In this one-hour workshop, we'll explore practical strategies for maintaining balance and promoting well-being amidst the unique challenges of leading special education teams.
You'll learn simple mindfulness techniques, stress management strategies, and self-care practices that you can integrate into your daily routine. This session will provide an opportunity to connect with other leaders, share experiences, and gain insights into fostering a supportive and healthy work environment for yourself and your team.
Bring your lunch, and come ready to relax, recharge, and refocus. Together, let's prioritize our well-being so we can continue to lead with strength and compassion!
Register for the Wellness Wednesday Lunch and Learn Series (October-June) in the Members Only tab on this website. If you are not a member, join here

Featured Speakers: 

Nora Boettcher

Nora Boettcher has been in education for the past 20+ years. She has served as a special education PreK-12 director, school psychologist, special education teacher, and Unified Sports Coach. Currently, she is a school psychologist in Arizona. Nora enjoys providing a variety of professional development presentations for schools and agencies related to special education, DEI,  MTSS implementation, wellness needs, and Social Emotional Learning at the local, state, and national level. Nora is an executive committee member with the Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE); she serves as the DEI chairperson. Nora was selected as a recipient of an OSEP grant-funded EdD doctoral program at Arizona State University. She is pursuing her educational doctorate in Leadership in Equity and Diversity for Special Education Administrators.  


Dr. Damita James

The last 25 years as a special educator have allowed Dr. Damita James to teacher and lead in various settings including elementary and high school, teacher of the visually impaired, and special education administrator both in a district and currently at a regional education service agency where she serves as the Assistant Executive Director and GLRS Director. 

Dr. James is a certified trainer for IIRP Restorative Practices, Emotional Poverty 1 and 2 and Check & Connect. She loves to support new teachers and work with coaches through the Teacher Provider Retention Program (TPRP) for new special education teachers in Georgia. She has presented at national, state, and regional conferences on best practices for co-teaching, high-leverage practices, specially designed instruction, equity, and teacher wellness. 

Dr. James is a huge advocate for the self-care of educators and believes that we must use our experiences as opportunities for growth in our in our personal and professional lives. Her motto, "Just Breathe" serves as a reminder that we can get through anything, one breath-at-a-time.

Lynda A. Carmouche, LCSW-S, ACSW, a transformative leader in the field of mental wellness. With over 27 years of experience, Lynda has made her mark as a Psychotherapist, Trainer, Speaker, Mental Wellness Strategist, and Leadership Coach. Her background as a public-school teacher, school social worker, trauma therapist, and foster parent underscores her unwavering commitment to empowering others. 

Lynda's storytelling prowess earned her recognition as a best-selling author in November 2016 for her contribution to Her Chronicles 2: Stories of Survival, Sacrifice, and Spiritual Awakening. As the dynamic host of The Elephant Room Podcast, Lynda creates spaces dedicated to healing the person behind the professional, where she and guests address "the elephant in the room".  

Focused on helping leaders, entrepreneurs, and professionals overcome low morale, toxic work environments, and burnout, Lynda is committed to fostering thriving workplace cultures. This fall she will release her highly anticipated book, Polished Pain: The Hidden Cost of Burnout and Unresolved Trauma, a must-read for anyone seeking to reclaim their mental wellness. Lynda A. Carmouche is not just a mental health professional; she is a beacon of hope and transformation for all who encounter her. 

Dates and Topics

February 19th: Getting to the heart of the matterNora Boettcher 
Mental wellness is connected to heart health, which means our mental and physical well-being go hand in hand. Acquire skills that meet the needs of both.  
March 19th: Luck is not the answer. Dr. Damita James  
Wellness is not a destination…it is a journey. Learn how to navigate that journey by choosing the pathway that is right for you. (Luck has nothing to do with it!)
April 16th: Do not put all your eggs in one basket. Tangela Brice 
Wellness is not one size fits all. As you embark on the journey, be open to trying diverse ways to achieve your personal objectives 
May 21st: Remembering to put yourself first. Lynda Carmouche  
As special educators, we are wired to care for others above ourselves. Move toward acceptance of the fact that sometimes self-care must come first.  
June 18th: Continuing with courage. Lynda Carmouche   
You are running a marathon, not a sprint. Together, we will explore ways to stay motivated and keep going on our wellness journey!
NOTE: Recordings for sessions are posted in the Members Only tab on this website. The only exception is September 18, 2024, that was available for anyone to attend.