Developing Compliant IEPs: Avoiding Process and Content Mistakes 

Compliant IEPs

Virtual Webinar, featuring Julie Weatherly, Esq. 

This key foundational legal session is to ensure IEPs are developed and implemented as the LAW intends!

Please be sure to enter the ATTENDEE'S email in the "preferred email" box on the registration form to ensure the link to join the webinar is sent correctly.  Do not enter any other email.
January 22, 2025, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM (Central Time)
Case Members $350
Non-Members $450
Group Rate for teams of 3 or more $315 per person
Register Here
Group Registration (for teams of 3 or more)
When registering, ensure the attendee's email is entered in the provided space. Failure to do so will result in the registrant not receiving the necessary links to join the webinars. Note: NO RECORDING WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE.
Spend the day learning about the Supreme Court's "Process/Content Standard" for determining the legal appropriateness of an IEP. This session includes a discussion of frequently challenged IEP process and content considerations in IEP development, including:
  • Predetermination of placement versus appropriate meeting preparation
  • The importance of the "I" in IEP and IDEA 
  • Using an appropriate process for making Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) determinations
  • Failure to have legally mandatory IEP team members present at IEP meetings
  • Ensuring meaningful parent input and participation into decision-making
  • Proper use of "Prior Written Notice"
  • Inclusion of appropriate present levels of performance and goals in IEPs
  • Appropriately addressing required "Special Factors" in IEPs, such as, behavioral issues
  • Appropriately addressing transition services
Who should attend this session?
This training is designed for all special educators involved in the development of IEPs, including new and seasoned special education and related service providers, general education teachers, and those who serve as the LEA Representative at IEP meetings.
Future Dates:
August 27, 2025