The CASE Product Review Committee provides leadership in advancing research-based practices in special education leadership that are highly correlated to improved student outcomes. The committee reviews products for special education populations and recommends endorsement based on rigorous criteria. 

Endorsed Products Logo

CASE focuses on products that support instruction and data management. This includes curriculum based instruction, behavior intervention programs, and data/progress monitoring systems. As a product is considered for endorsement, the following areas are thoroughly reviewed: product description, target market, feasibility, research base, product research, quality of the product research, satisfaction of reputation, and professional practice (advocated by CASE). 

Endorsed Products Brochure Image
CASE Endorsed Products proudly include this logo. Become CASE endorsed and join this list of high-qualityproducts. The Product Endorsement Brochure is a quick guide to inform vendors how to obtain the CASE endorsement. 
Process for Endorsed Products
 CASE Member Benefits
  • Reviewed by the Product Review Committee, consisting of leaders in the field of special education.
  • Vetted by the committee to ensure it is research-based and designed to improve student outcomes for staff efficiency.
  • Posted on the CASE website and includes signage at The CASE Conference for easy access and identification of the products.
  • Some of the endorsed products are offered to CASE members at a discounted rate. 
The following products are currently Endorsed by CASE. A link for each endorsed product is provided below. 
  • Assessment, Data Collection, and Progress Monitoring
  • Behavior
  • IEP Support
  • Professional Learning and Support
  • Reading and Math Instruction

Assessment, Data Collection, and Progress Monitoring

Istation Logo
Digital Oral Reading Fluency assessment (K-3) that combines research with technical development and data providing the latest voice recognition and recording technology.
CASE Member Benefit: 20% discount 
Endorsement Expires September 2026

Let's Go Learn 
letA suite of diagnostic assessments with rich diagnostic data. Assessments were designed around the individual student. After administering the criterion-referenced assessments, teachers won't wonder what to do next. 
Endorsement Expires September 2026


Positive Action Logo
Positive Action
Based on the intuitive philosophy, we feel good about ourselves when we take positive actions. 
Endorsement Expires December 2024
CASE Member Benefit: 10% discount
 Robokind LogoRobots4Autism
Learners with autism spectrum disorders learn to tune in on emotions, express empathy, act more appropriately in social situations, self-motivate, and generalize.
Endorsement Expires June 2026

IEP Support

brollySpecial Education Service Log
Track service minutes and student progress toward IEP goals for better compliance oversight.
Endorsement Expires April 2026 
CASE Member Benefit: 5% discount
Goalbook Logo
Develop higher-quality IEPs online and implement them with effective, specially designed instruction based on data-driven present levels and measurable standards-aligned goals.
Endorsement Expires July 2025

Professional Learning and Support

LRP Logo
Special Ed Connection
Online source for guidance on all your special education challenges — and the only source you need to keep current on education policy and legal developments 
Endorsement Expires July 2025 
CASE Member Benefit: 2 additional months
The Master Teacher
ParaEducator Online Training
Online training aligned with CEC standards: 140 self-paced courses with training and assessment, including post-tests, transcripts, and course certificates. 
Endorsement Expires January 2025
CASE Member Benefit: 10% discount

Reading and Math Instruction 


Classworks assessment and instruction pinpoint learning gaps, deliver math, reading, and language arts instruction at the right level, and provide insight into student progress.
Endorsement Expires February 2027
Fast Forword Logo
Fast ForWord
Evidence-based, adaptive reading and language program that delivers 1-2 years gain in 40-60 hours of use
Endorsement Expires October 2025
CASE Member Benefit: 5% discount 
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Logo
Math 180
A blended-learning software combined with teacher-facilitated instruction for intensive math intervention that builds algebra competence
Endorsement Expires April 2026 
Read 180 Next Generation
Helps students who are two or more years behind become active, accomplished readers 
Endorsement Expires October 2025
CASE Member Benefit: 15% discount
System 44
Designed to help students engage and master foundational reading skills  
Endorsement Expires October 2025
CASE Member Benefit: 15% discount
Lexia CORE5
Lexia Core 5 Reading
Adaptive blended learning program that accelerates the development of literacy skills with explicit, systematic instruction via personalized learning paths in six areas of reading
Endorsement Expires January 2026
Lexia PowerUp Literacy
Lexia PowerUp Literacy
Adaptive blended platform accelerates literacy gains for (6-12) readers with a customized learning path for targeted support to develop reading and critical thinking skills  
Endorsement Expires April 2026
CASE Member Benefit: 10% discount
Lindamood Bell
Lindamood-Bell Seeing Stars
Develops symbol imagery (symbol recognition) and directly applies that sensory-cognitive function to sight word development, contextual fluency, spelling, and phonemic awareness
Endorsement Expires November 2026
CASE Member Benefit: 10% discount
Lindamood-Bell Visualizing and Verbalizing
Develops concept imagery—the ability to create an imagined or imaged gestalt from language—as a basis for comprehension and higher-order thinking
Endorsement Expires November 2026
CASE Member Benefit: 10% discount
Virtual Reading Coach
Virtual Reading Coach assesses reading abilities with MindPlay’s Universal Screener and automatically develops a unique, differentiated syllabus of instruction and mastery-based activities for every student, thus improving their reading fluency.
Endorsement Expires January 2027
Reading Horizons
Reading Horizons
Reading Horizons Discovery is an elementary reading curriculum designed specifically for K-3 students and based on the Science of Reading principles. It provides explicit, systematic phonics instruction that is teacher-led and adaptable to both large and small group settings.
Reading Horizons Elevate is a reading intervention program tailored for older students, including those in grades 4-12 and adult learners. This program addresses the needs of struggling readers by providing explicit, systematic instruction in phonics, decoding, and reading comprehension.
Endorsement Expires September 2027
CASE Member Benefit: 10% discount
Reading Plus Logo
Reading Plus
Online, evidence-based intervention program that develops fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary and measures motivation
Endorsement Expires December 2024
For over 50 years, TouchMath has provided systematic and explicit multisensory math instruction grounded in the Science of Mathematics to measurably accelerate student achievement. Educators around the country have relied onTouchMath to effectively meet the diverse and unique needs of students with dyscalculia and those who struggle with math. 
Endorsement Expires January 2028
Early Learning Reading
The Waterford Reading Academy program incorporates principles of the science of reading: digital activities and rich, inclusive stories built into adaptive learning paths, a vast collection of educator resources and reports, and support that centers families in their child’s learning.
Endorsement Expires June 2027

CASE utilizes the endorsement designation to provide our membership with a list of educational products that have undergone a rigorous evaluation. Although a rigorous process is used to determine whether a product meets a minimum standard for endorsement, the endorsement does not represent that the product will provide an appropriate educational benefit to all learners or a particular learner. Many factors, especially implementation fidelity and individual learner needs and circumstances, will affect product effectiveness. A product endorsement by CASE must not be construed as any indication that the endorsed product is more effective than other products or that an endorsed product will confer an appropriate educational benefit to an individual learner.